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4 in 1 Bio Elements Energy Bracelet | Magnetic Therapy Bracelet

4 in 1 Bio Elements Energy Bracelet | Magnetic Therapy Bracelet

52 total reviews

Regular price £29.59
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Look good and feel good with this great mix of elegance and strength by wearing this 4 in 1 Bio Elements Energy Bracelet!
Quantum Energy Bracelet

This bracelet makes a great gift for that special person in your life. The links are specially built with negative ions, far-infrared rays (FIR), germanium powder, and 3000 milligauss magnets. Attain powerful energy in the most affordable way. It is convenient, lightweight, and easy to adjust.

1000 Negative ION 4 IN 1 Bio Elements Power Energy Wrist Band Magnetic Silicone Bracelet For Balance Body

As with any jewelry that uses magnets, it is not recommended for people with a pacemaker. This is safe for the skin and will not cause irritation. The magnetic bracelet comes with a re-sizing adjustment tool. This tool is easy to use and allows you to adjust the size of the bracelet to perfectly fit your wrist. Additional links can be purchased to extend the length of the bracelet if necessary.

Japan Technology Energy Bracelet 4 in 1 Bio Elements


  • Far Infrared Ray (FIR) is the invisible band of energy from the sun’s spectrum that we feel as warmth. Far Infrared ceramic inserts absorb energy from various sources and release it for gentle warming to help support circulation. They emit a Far Infrared output that is identical to the specific wavelength produced by the sun.
  • Negative Ions have an invigorating effect on the human body while positive ions have the opposite effect, quite often inducing a feeling of tiredness. The levels of negative ions present in different environments highlight the deficiency of negative ions in our everyday domestic environment. The bracelet is infused with negative ion powder emitting 1000 ions per cubic cm.
  • Magnetic technology is used in many performance bracelets favored by professional athletes. All physical and mental activity is controlled by electromagnetic fields produced by electro-chemicals (ions) within the body. Wearing a magnetic bracelet is a non-invasive way of applying beneficial magnetic fields to the body. It emits 1000-1200 gauss, which is ideal and safe for continuous wearing.
  • Germanium Energy is a trace element that is used as a dietary supplement. The germanium has been shown to stimulate the immune system, helping the body to fight disease. This energy bracelet contains 99.99% Germanium.

1000 Negative ION 4 IN 1 Bio Elements Power Energy Wrist Band Magnetic Silicone Bracelet MultiColor

  • A non-invasive drug-free therapy
  • Safe, effective, re-usable and affordable
  • Bracelet helps relieve headache and shoulder ache
  • Reduce pain & discomfort, stress and fatigue
  • Improve weight loss
  • Gives better focus & concentration
  • Better sleep
  • Better digestion, body balance and body metabolism
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Helps in women's problems like periods, menopause, hormonal disorders.
  • Increases overall body energy levels
  • Nutrients are absorbed better and enhances immune system
  • Helps detoxify & rejuvenate cells
  • Increases blood circulation, strength, stamina & boosts sex, sperm counts and infertility

Energy Bracelet 4 In 1 Bio Elements

  1. Reduces the effects of EMF radiation.
  2. Reduces blood pressure problems and knee pain problems.
  3. Strengthens your resilience to the effects of stress.
  4. Reduces the symptoms of fatigue.
  5. Enhances your mental performance and alertness.

Look good and feel great today! Click the add to cart button now.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 52 reviews
Riki Fuller

Great buy

Very impressed!

With habitual sciatica, I was desperate to find something, other than medication, that would alleviate the pain. Though I was initially skeptical that a bracelet could offer that alleviation, I figured I'd give it a go. Within the first day of wearing this, I noticed a remarkable difference. A pain that was at onetime unbearable, is now very much manageable. I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest review. Very impressed by this product. Sleek design and most certainly provides some therapeutical benefits.

Laila G.

I've been wearing them for several days. I sleep better with the bracelet on, and I tell a positive difference in the way my body feels and my mood

Ben H.
Definitely a neat product.

The band was shockingly perfect size wise, with so many options it allowed it to fit me perfectly. I typically have issues having anything on my wrists!

Penny R.
Helps with migraines!

 I have been using it for over 3 weeks, I have been sleeping better and in the past weeks and a couple of days I haven’t had migraines. I have felt also more focused on my chores for the day, and let me tell you I have a bunch of errands to do in one day. I haven’t been sick, I used to get sick a lot because of my health issues with my thyroid, not sick. That’s great. I wear it to the gym, grocery shopping, everyday, everywhere. It’s a cute jewelry, comfortable and with benefits!!!!! I definitely recommend it.

Always Wearing It!

Even tho it is difficult to measure the energetic aspects at home from the bracelet, I have since felt more driven and motivated in my day-to-day life. I havent taken the bracelet off, I sleep and shower with it. I am very much into holistic care, and this has added to my healing tools.